Educational Resources

Children’s Speech & Reading Center offers a diverse range of tools and insights to empower parents, educators, and children. Explore our comprehensive suite of resources aimed at enhancing literacy and language development for learners of all ages.

Information & Tips from Children’s Speech and Reading Center

Discover valuable information and practical tips from Children's Speech and Reading Center. These insights are crafted to support your child's journey in speech and reading improvement. Equip yourself with the necessary knowledge to foster a conducive learning environment for kids.

Recommended Apps for Literacy and Language Development

Enhance literacy and language skills with our curated list of apps. Each app is designed and selected to help build foundational skills through interactive and enjoyable methods.

$ 9.99

Inspiration Maps

Students can expand their understanding by crafting diagrams, maps, and organizers. This app will help them brainstorm, plan, organize, and build their critical thinking skills.



This engaging game draws inspiration from Letris. Letter tiles fall and the user must use adjacent tiles to spell a word before all the tiles reach the top


Sound Beginnings

A perfect tool for early readers. This app reinforces phonics by matching pictures and letters at the beginning, middle, and end of CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.


Find The Synonym

Challenge your vocabulary skills by combining letters to find synonyms or antonyms before time runs out. This app enhances both language comprehension and speed.

External Links

For more extensive learning and additional resources, browse through our recommended external links. Each has been meticulously selected to complement the information and tips provided by Children’s Speech and Reading Center.